The Crescent Moon Society's Imagination of China
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Award date | 3 Dec 2015 |
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新月派是20世紀20至30年代現代中國最重要的社團之一,它不僅是以一個文學社團影響於中國現代文學史,也以一個知識分子團體著稱於中國現代思想史。1931年5月3日上海的〈民報〉就曾載文認為:「中國目前三個思想鼎足而立:(1)共產黨;(2)〈新月〉派;(3) 三民主義。」本文所探討的就是「三大思想」之一的新月派一一一個具有英美留學背景、組織鬆散、內部理念各異的社團一一在二十世紀之二三十年代那個中國思想界最熱鬧的時間裡,是如何想像中國的?這些直接從「現代」的西方中心留學歸國的知識份子又是選取了一種怎樣的視角來開始他們的國族想像?這種視角的選取與他們所經驗的東西方文化又有什麼關係?這個「複雜」的社團究竟提供了什麼樣的中國想像?它的中國想像與其他社團的異同又是什麼?而新月派又是如何構建自己的中國想像的?這些問題正是筆者希望可以通過本篇論文努力解決的,並希望可以提供一個新的角度理解現代文學與民族國家建構之間的關條,也為豐富現代文學對國族想像之建構提供一點補白。
The Crescent Moon Society is one of the most important group during 1920s to 1930s. It is not only famous as a literature society in the Chinese history of literature, but also well known as an intellectual society in the Chinese history of thought. The Mingpao (明報) said: "There is a triple balance of power in the realm of thought of China: (1) the Communist Party, (2) the Crescent Moon Society, (3) the Three People's Principles." What the dissertation talking about is that how one of the "Three Thought" … the Crescent Moon Society imagines China during the 1920s to 1930s, which has Anglo-American background, loosely organized, and different internal concept. What kind of perspective of the imagination do these intellectuals returned from the "modern" Western-centric choose? What's the relationship between the perspective they chose and the Chinese and western culture they experienced? What does the imagination of China of the "complicated" society construct? What are the differences and similarities of the imagination of China among the Crescent Moon Society and other groups? How does the Crescent Moon Society image the nation? How to answer all the questions above is the purpose of this dissertation. Besides, the dissertation aims to offer a new angel of view to understand the relationship between the Chinese modern literature and the construction of imagination of nations, and enrich the discussion about the Chinese modern literature and the imagination of nations.
In Chapter II, the dissertation focuses on the letters and diaries of the members of the Crescent Moon Society as well as their "pilgrimage" before they "join" the group. It discusses the perspective on which the Crescent Moon Society examines Sino-Western culture and imagines China. From Chapter III to V, the dissertation mainly discusses how the Crescent Moon Society builds their imagination of China in three different discourses: "enlightenment", "Revolution" and "Salvation". In this process, different meanings of the three discourses within different times and spaces are also a focus of discussion. In Chapter III, starting from the debate of "Enlightenment and Salvation", the dissertation explicates the relationship between "Enlightenment" and "Salvation" as well as the meaning of "Enlightenment" in different Sino-Western contexts. Then, the dissertation points out further how the Crescent Moon Society interprets the meaning of "Enlightenment" and how to imagine China under this meaning. Therefore, the dissertation introduces the word "Nature" to interpret how the Crescent Moon Society builds their imagination of Chinese national characters. In Chapter IV, the dissertation explicates the meaning of "Revolution" in a similar way, and combs it through its development process in China. Also, the dissertation examines the meaning of so-called "Counter-Revolution" and therefore points out how the Crescent Moon Society explains the meaning of "Revolution" as well as their imagination of China under this meaning. The dissertation introduces hereto the word "Freedom" to understand their imagination of Chinese politics. In Chapter V, as the word "Salvation" has been less affected by western society than "Enlightenment" and "Revolution", the dissertation emphasizes the development process of "Salvation" in China, and how Crescent Moon Society understand the meaning of "Salvation" as well as their imagination of China under this meaning. The dissertation introduces herein the word "Being in and for itself" to interpret how the Crescent Moon Society builds their imagination of Chinese culture.
In Chapter II, the dissertation focuses on the letters and diaries of the members of the Crescent Moon Society as well as their "pilgrimage" before they "join" the group. It discusses the perspective on which the Crescent Moon Society examines Sino-Western culture and imagines China. From Chapter III to V, the dissertation mainly discusses how the Crescent Moon Society builds their imagination of China in three different discourses: "enlightenment", "Revolution" and "Salvation". In this process, different meanings of the three discourses within different times and spaces are also a focus of discussion. In Chapter III, starting from the debate of "Enlightenment and Salvation", the dissertation explicates the relationship between "Enlightenment" and "Salvation" as well as the meaning of "Enlightenment" in different Sino-Western contexts. Then, the dissertation points out further how the Crescent Moon Society interprets the meaning of "Enlightenment" and how to imagine China under this meaning. Therefore, the dissertation introduces the word "Nature" to interpret how the Crescent Moon Society builds their imagination of Chinese national characters. In Chapter IV, the dissertation explicates the meaning of "Revolution" in a similar way, and combs it through its development process in China. Also, the dissertation examines the meaning of so-called "Counter-Revolution" and therefore points out how the Crescent Moon Society explains the meaning of "Revolution" as well as their imagination of China under this meaning. The dissertation introduces hereto the word "Freedom" to understand their imagination of Chinese politics. In Chapter V, as the word "Salvation" has been less affected by western society than "Enlightenment" and "Revolution", the dissertation emphasizes the development process of "Salvation" in China, and how Crescent Moon Society understand the meaning of "Salvation" as well as their imagination of China under this meaning. The dissertation introduces herein the word "Being in and for itself" to interpret how the Crescent Moon Society builds their imagination of Chinese culture.