
Hypnosis in China: Theory, Practice, Translation, and Fiction Writing during the Late Qing Period (1903-1912)

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis

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Award date22 Jul 2024





The late Qing period stood out as a complex and distinctive historical epoch, characterized by the dual challenge of upholding traditional culture while navigating the assimilation of Western influences. The interplay between these contrasting cultures gave rise to the concept of Chinese learning for essential principles and Western learning for practical application, marked by conflicts that forged a distinct identity. This dissertation probes into the examination of hypnosis in late Qing fiction, concurrently exploring Western hypnosis treatises and translated novels into Chinese. This comprehensive approach enriches our understanding of the diverse practices and applications of hypnosis in China, shedding light on the substantial impact of Western hypnosis culture on the late Qing period and providing insights into how modernity engaged with tradition during that era.

The creation and translation of hypnosis literature, including novels, medical journals, natural science journals, and publications such as newspapers during the late Qing era, emerged as collective efforts of contemporary literati. These reflected their fervor and comprehension of hypnosis, offering tangible examples of its practice during that time. The focus lies on how late Qing intellectuals absorbed and transformed hypnosis in different directions, comparing not only different periods but also treatises, literary creations, and translated novels. By scrutinizing late Qing hypnosis fiction, this research aims to bring the overlooked hypnosis theme to the attention of scholars.

This research unfolds across three levels: firstly, exploring the historical origins and various theories of hypnosis; secondly, examining hypnosis treatises and theories in the late Qing period; and thirdly, investigating the creation and translation of hypnosis novels. In examining the historical origins and theories of hypnosis, a macroscopic approach is taken, considering its evolution not confined to a specific region but influenced by movements like the French Revolution and the Meiji Restoration in Japan. After its introduction to China, hypnosis developed new theoretical perspectives. In the late Qing period, medical practitioners broadened public understanding of hypnosis, shifting focus from the upper class and traditional literati to a broader target audience, significantly impacting its development in fiction writing and practical applications.

Concerning the creation and translation of hypnosis novels, the process was diverse, not following a unidirectional presentation in traditional novel formats. The emergence of female translators, the interplay between classical Chinese and vernacular language in novel writing, the infusion of science fiction themes, and the reinterpretation of novels by the general public elevated the attention given to hypnosis, encompassing both mind and body. Moreover, the late Qing period witnessed heightened global awareness, connecting with different countries, the West, and major imperial powers. Science fiction themes in hypnosis novels directed attention to cosmic and space domains.

By observing different hypnotic techniques in late Qing, “new” ideas began influencing the general public, expanding their thinking beyond superficial acceptance to embracing subtle dialectical scientific thinking from the West. Against the background of a pressing reform in late Qing, intellectuals did not fully absorb these ideas; instead, they projected profound personal perceptions onto various hypnosis novels or forms of literature through criticism and introspection. The unique perspectives of late Qing intellectuals were encapsulated in the role of “scientific saves the nation” that marked the era, with hypnosis in the late Qing period representing the distinctive insights of late Qing literati.

    Research areas

  • hypnosis, hypnosis novels, hypnosis practice, Late Qing, science fiction novels, translated hypnosis novels