
The Empirical Analysis of Influence of Board Secretary on IPO Underpricing - Evidence from Chinese Non-State Owned Firms

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis

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  • Jiarong HUA

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Award date24 Jun 2015


Initial Public Offerings (IPO) is one of the most important process where firms receive external capital, especially for the non-state owned firms who are confronted with discrimination from banking systems. Thus, IPO underpricing is the consequence of games played by issuers, underwriters and investors, and also an indirect cost born by the issuers. Prior literature has provided abundant evidence about the IPO underpricing phenomena and its explanations, among which the information asymmetry theory is the most developed one. Based on the information asymmetry theory, we examine whether the board secretaries’ characteristics influence their functions during the IPO process through better communications and lowering the information asymmetries between related parties in the game.
There are some literatures about the board secretaries’ roles in information disclosures since Corporate Law confirmed their legal rights and obligations of information disclosures in 2006. However, neither is under the IPO setting where information asymmetries have great impact. We provide evidence that board secretaries’ characteristics, like their past experience, their stock holdings, or whether they have CFO and board occupations at the same time, indicate their capabilities and incentives to disclose information related to IPO.
With the non-state owned firms listed during 2006-2012 as sample, we find that board secretaries with past IPO experience do decrease the IPO underpricing, but the effect is rather humble. However, those firms with board secretaries holding stock shares or holding the CFO or board member positions at the same time experience significantly lower underpricing. While other personal characteristics like the gender or age have no effect on the board secretaries’ capabilities or incentives to influence IPO process.
Our findings may enrich the IPO underpricing literatures with information asymmetry explanations that certain person within the firm could decrease information asymmetry by better disclosures and thorough communications. Those results would also provide further support for the “Upper Echelons Theory” where top management team’s characteristics may influence firms’ behaviors. To implement our results in reality, non-state owned firms could choose board secretaries based on their past experience and background and grant them more stock holdings as well as more rights matching their obligations.