Yb3+-sensitized upconversion and downshifting luminescence in Nd3+ ions through energy migration

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

19 Scopus Citations
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Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)8581-8584
Number of pages4
Journal / PublicationDalton Transactions
Issue number26
Online published12 Feb 2018
Publication statusPublished - 14 Jul 2018


A core-shell-shell nanostructure composed of NaGdF4:Yb/Tm@NaGdF4:Nd@NaYF4 is developed to realize Yb3+-sensitized upconversion and downshifting luminescence in Nd3+ ions. The unusual photon conversion property stems from a gadolinium sublattice mediated Yb3+ → Tm3+ → Gd3+ → Nd3+ energy transfer pathway. The energy transfer processes are investigated by varying the dopant concentration and distribution, in conjunction with time decay measurements.