Urine pH as predictor of blood acid-base status in dairy cattle fed acidogenic diets

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

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Original languageEnglish
Article number106187
Number of pages4
Journal / PublicationThe Veterinary Journal
Online published26 Jun 2024
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2024



We determined the association between urine pH and blood acid-base indicators and assessed a urine pH cut-off value to predict severe metabolic acidosis under field conditions in cows fed acidogenic diets. Eighty-six cows were sampled for urine and blood. Urine pH was evaluated immediately after collection, and blood acid-base status was evaluated within 2 hours of collection using a portable blood analyzer. Twenty-five cows were classified as having severe metabolic acidosis (blood pH ≤ 7.4; bicarbonate < 24 mmol/L, base excess ≤ −0.5; PCO2 low to normal concentrations and urine pH between 4.88 and 5.71. There was a positive linear association between urine pH and blood pH (r = 0.46), and between urine pH and base excess (r = 0.74). The area under the ROC curve was 0.91 (CI 95 %= 0.84–0.96; good-excellent test). The optimal cut-off value for urine pH to categorize a cow with severe metabolic acidosis was 5.5 (94 % specificity and 72 % sensitivity). For each 0.1 unit of decrease in urine pH below 5.5, cows were 1.6 times (95 % CI= 1.3–2.1) more likely to exhibit a severe metabolic acidosis. We conclude that a urine pH of 5.5 or less is indicative of more life-threatening metabolic acidosis in dairy cows. © 2024 The Authors.

Research Area(s)

  • Acid-Base, Acidogenic Diets, Anionic Diets, Hypocalcaemia, pH, Urine

Citation Format(s)

Urine pH as predictor of blood acid-base status in dairy cattle fed acidogenic diets. / Melendez, Pedro; Redrovan, Daniela; Chelikani, Prasanth K.
In: The Veterinary Journal, Vol. 306, 106187, 08.2024.

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

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