
The discovery and research progress of the nickelate superconductors

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

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Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Article number047405
Journal / Publication中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学
Issue number4
Online published11 Mar 2021
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2021


镍氧化物超导材料的发现, 激发起研究人员新一轮对近似铜氧化物新型超导材料的探寻以及对高温超导机理中有关晶体结构-电子结构密切关系的研究兴趣. 本文重点从具有无限层结构的掺杂镍氧化物 (Nd0.8Sr0.2NiO2) 超导体的发现、目前的实验研究进展、对其电子结构及物理机制的研究等方面概述这类新型超导材料的基本特性, 并在结尾对镍基超导体系的构建、一些亟待解决的物理和材料问题以及今后研究的方向等作开放性讨论.
The discovery of the nickelate superconductors has motivated the search for new unconventional superconductors, analogous to cuprates and spurred the revolving interest on the mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity, with the focus on the relationship between the crystal structure and the detailed electronic structure. This article briefly reviews the discovery of the nickelate superconductors with the infinite-layer structure, the on-going experimental efforts, and the evolving understanding of the physics on this new superconducting system. It also discusses the open questions regarding (but not limited to) the exploration of a whole family of nickelate superconductors, materials growth issues, physics problems, and immediate research topics/directions in this new field.

Research Area(s)

  • 镍氧化物超导体, 无限层镍氧化物, 电子结构, 超导相图, 输运性质, nickelate superconductors, infinite layer nickelate, electronic structure, superconducting phase diagram, transport properties