《天國之子》和他的世俗王朝 : 洪秀全與太平天國

God's Chinese son : the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom of Hong Xiuquan

Research output: Scholarly Books, Monographs, Reports and Case StudiesRGC 14 - Edited book (Editor)

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  • 鄭培凱 (Editor)
  • 鄢秀 (Editor)


Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Place of Publication桂林
ISBN (print)9787549507108, 7549507104
Publication statusPublished - 2011

Publication series



Whether read for its powerful account of the largest uprising in human history, or for its foreshadowing of the terrible convulsions suffered by twentieth-century China, or for the narrative power of a great historian at his best, God's Chinese Son must be read. At the center of this history of China's Taiping rebellion (1845-64) stands Hong Xiuquan, a failed student of Confucian doctrine who ascends to heaven in a dream and meets his heavenly family: God, Mary, and his older brother, Jesus. He returns to earth charged to eradicate the "demon-devils," the alien Manchu rulers of China. His success carries him and his followers to the heavenly capital at Nanjing, where they rule a large part of south China for more than a decade. Their decline and fall, wrought by internal division and the unrelenting military pressures of the Manchus and the Western powers, carry them to a hell on earth. Twenty million Chinese are left dead.

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《天國之子》和他的世俗王朝: 洪秀全與太平天國. / 鄭培凱 (Editor); 鄢秀 (Editor).
桂林: 廣西師範大學出版社, 2011. (史景遷作品,理想國).

Research output: Scholarly Books, Monographs, Reports and Case StudiesRGC 14 - Edited book (Editor)