新聞社群的專業主義話語 : 一種邊界工作的視角

Discourses of Journalistic Professionalism among the Chinese Journalistic Community

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 22 - Publication in policy or professional journal

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  • 陳楚潔
  • 袁夢倩

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Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)55 - 69
Journal / Publication新闻与传播研究
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 28 May 2014


This paper understands the Chinese journalists as an interpretive community and adopts a boundary-work approach to analyzing how the journalistic community defines the appropriate boundaries of professional reporting, journalists, and their conducts. Journalists’ boundary work serves to restructure their cultural and epistemic authority within and without the journalistic community. For the journalistic insiders, boundary work is performed as expulsion of the perceived “deviant” and the “unprofessional”, while for the outsiders, boundary work is performed as protection of autonomy against the new media and the perceived populist online opinion. The paper also argues that the journalistic boundary work has and will become increasingly frequent in the social media era. Further direction of research is suggested as well.

Citation Format(s)

新聞社群的專業主義話語: 一種邊界工作的視角. / 陳楚潔; 袁夢倩.
In: 新闻与传播研究, No. 5, 28.05.2014, p. 55 - 69.

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 22 - Publication in policy or professional journal