
Secondary Breakup Analysis of Spherical Oil Droplets Under Time-Dependent Inertial Force

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

2 Scopus Citations
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Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)561-568
Journal / Publication内燃机学报/Transactions of CSICE
Issue number6 (总 186)
Publication statusPublished - 25 Nov 2019
Externally publishedYes


根据燃油一次破碎后形成的油滴运动特点,建立了与实际更加相符的二次雾化模型,通过 N-S 方程和线性化分析方法导出各参数之间的本征关系,并给出本征方程的解,基于方程的解,分别研究 Ma 数、 Bond 数、 Oh 数和气/液密度比 κ 对油滴二次破碎的影响,结果表明:气体可压缩性对油滴的二次破碎具有促进作用,但效果不明显,一般情况下可以忽略气体可压缩性的影响,油滴的黏性可以抑制油滴的破碎,而油滴受到气动作用力是油滴破碎的直接原因,因而提高 Bond 数可得到更好的雾化效果.
A corresponding physical model which is close to reality was established according to the motion characteristics of oil droplet formed from primary fuel atomization. Intrinsic relation of each parameter can be derived through N-S equation and linearization analysis method. Based on the solutions, the effects of Ma number, Bond number, Oh number and gas-liquid density ratio κ secondary breakup of oil droplet were studied respectively. Analysis results show that gas compressibility does promote secondary breakup of oil droplet but the compact is not obvious. So in general, influence of gas compressibility can be neglected. In addition, the viscosity of oil drop can inhibit breakage and the acceleration is a direct cause of secondary breakup. Therefore, increasing Bond number is meaningful to the quality of atomization.

Research Area(s)

  • 动态惯性力, 球形油滴, 二次破碎, Time-dependent inertial force, Spherical oil droplet, Secondary breakup

Citation Format(s)

动态惯性力作用下球形油滴二次破碎分析. / 吴清; 黎一锴; 康宁 et al.
In: 内燃机学报/Transactions of CSICE, Vol. 37, No. 6 (总 186), 25.11.2019, p. 561-568.

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review