Understanding Software Process Improvement in Global Software Development: A Theoretical Framework of Human Factors

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

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Original languageEnglish
Journal / PublicationACM SIGAPP Applied Computing Review
Issue number2
Publication statusAccepted/In press/Filed - 22 Apr 2017


Presently, most of the software development organizations are adopting the phenomena of Global Software Development (GSD), mainly because of the significant return on investment it produces. However, GSD is a complex phenomenon and there are many challenges associated with it, especially that related to Software Process Improvement (SPI). The aim of this work is to identify humans’ related success factors and barriers that could impact the SPI process in GSD organizations and proposed a theoretical framework of the factors in relation to SPI implementation. We have adopted the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method in order to investigate the success factors and barriers. Using the SLR approach, total ten success factors and eight barriers were identified. The paper also reported the Critical Success Factors (CSFs) and Critical Barriers (CBs) for SPI implementation following the criteria of the factors having a frequency ≥ 50% as critical. Our results reveal that five out of ten factors are critical for SPI program. Moreover, total three barriers were ranked as the most critical barriers. Based on the analysis of the identified factors, we have presented a theoretical framework that has highlighted an association between the identified factors and the implementation of the SPI program in GSD environment.

Research Area(s)

  • Software Engineering