The extent of family and school social capital promoting positive subjective well-being among primary school children in Shenzhen, China

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

48 Scopus Citations
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Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1573-1582
Journal / PublicationChildren and Youth Services Review
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2011


This study aimed to examine, first, the extent to which variations in family and school social capital can be explained by child's differing socioeconomic and demographic background and school characteristics; and second, the extent to which family and school social capital in combination might be associated with variations in child subjective well-being in Shenzhen, China. This study was a cross-sectional survey design, using stratified random sampling. A total of 1306 sixth-grade primary school children and their parents were drawn from 16 schools, and a self-administered questionnaire was used. The results suggested that gender difference, the only child status at home and hukou status had impacts on family and school social capital accrued among primary school children in Shenzhen. There were also links between child's perception of connectedness to their parents, peers, and teachers, and their positive child subjective well-being. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.

Research Area(s)

  • Hukou status, Only child status, Relationships, Social capital, Subjective well-being, Urban China