Tensile properties of iron-aluminides containing Mn

Research output: Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary WorksRGC 32 - Refereed conference paper (with host publication)peer-review

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  • J. P. Chu
  • P. Y. Lee
  • Y. F. Hsu
  • W. H. Wang
  • Kiyoshi Mizuuchi
  • Kanryu Inoue


Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationMechanical Properties and Phase Transformations of Multiphase Intermetallic Alloys
PublisherMinerals, Metals & Materials Soc (TMS)
Publication statusPublished - 1994
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameProceedings of the TMS Fall Meeting


Title1994 TMS Fall Symposium
CityRosemont, IL, USA
Period2 - 6 October 1994


The room-temperature tensile properties of binary and ternary iron aluminide alloys containing Mn were studied. Alloys with four different compositions were selected: Fe-18Al, Fe-18Al-1.1Mn, Fe-18Al-5Cr and Fe-25Al (in at.%). After a series of thermomechanical treatments, tensile tests were conducted in dry and wet air conditions. Tensile test results showed that Fe-18Al specimens had the best tensile strength and elongation among the four alloys. Specimens with Mn addition unexpectedly showed no improvement on strength and ductility. Effects of thermomechanical treatment were significant for some Fe-18Al specimens. Addition of Cr did neither improve ductility nor strength. Mostly transgranular cleavage fracture was found for all specimens examined presumably as a result of the thermomechanical treatments. Electron diffraction analysis of Fe-18Al alloy specimens containing Mn after heat treatment at 500 °C showed some weak spots that were identified as 001 ordered reflections of either B2 or DO3 structures. Dislocations generated in the Fe-18Al alloy by tensile deformation at room temperature were uniformly distributed and seemed to align in a particular direction.

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Citation Format(s)

Tensile properties of iron-aluminides containing Mn. / Chu, J. P.; Lee, P. Y.; Kai, W. et al.
Mechanical Properties and Phase Transformations of Multiphase Intermetallic Alloys. Minerals, Metals & Materials Soc (TMS), 1994. p. 57-67 (Proceedings of the TMS Fall Meeting).

Research output: Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary WorksRGC 32 - Refereed conference paper (with host publication)peer-review