Temperature impacts Atlantic salmon's (Salmo salar) immunological response to infectious salmon anemia virus (ISAv)

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

2 Scopus Citations
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  • L Groves
  • SK Whyte
  • SL Purcell
  • D Michaud
  • AF Garber
  • MD Fast


Original languageEnglish
Article number100099
Journal / PublicationFish and Shellfish Immunology Reports
Online published27 May 2023
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2023



Ocean temperatures continue to rise annually due to the ever-growing consequences of global climate change. These temperature changes can have an impact on the immunological robustness of cultured fish, especially cold-water species such as Atlantic salmon. The salmon farming industry already loses hundreds of millions of dollars each year to infectious and non-infectious diseases. One particularly important and WOAH reportable disease is infectious salmon anemia caused by the orthomyxovirus ISAv. Considering the changing environment, it is necessary to find ways to mitigate the effect of diseases on the industry. For this study, 20 Atlantic salmon families were housed in each of 38 different tanks at the AVC, with half of the fish being kept at 10 °C and half being kept at 20 °C. Donor Atlantic salmon IP- injected with a highly virulent ISAv isolate (HPR4; TCID50 of 1 × 105/mL) were added to each tank as the source of co-habitation infection. Both temperatures were sampled at onset of mortality in co-habited fish and at resolution of mortality. Family background and temperature significantly impacted ISAv load, as assessed by qPCR, time to mortality and overall mortality. Mortality was more acute at 20 °C, but overall mortality was higher at 10 °C. Based on percent mortality calculated over the course of the study, different families demonstrated different levels of survival. The three families that demonstrated the highest percent mortality, and the three families with the lowest percent mortality were then assessed for their antiviral responses using relative gene expression. Genes significantly upregulated between the unexposed fish and ISAv exposed fish included mx1, il4/13a, il12rb2, and trim25, and these were further impacted by temperature. Understanding how ISAv resistance is impacted by temperature can help identify seasonal risks of ISAv outbreaks as well as ideal responses to be targeted through immunopotentiation.  © 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Citation Format(s)

Temperature impacts Atlantic salmon's (Salmo salar) immunological response to infectious salmon anemia virus (ISAv). / Groves, L; Whyte, SK; Purcell, SL et al.
In: Fish and Shellfish Immunology Reports, Vol. 4, 100099, 12.2023.

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

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