Taiwan Adapts to the Network Society

Research output: Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary WorksRGC 12 - Chapter in an edited book (Author)peer-review

1 Scopus Citations
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Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationChina's Rise, Taiwan's Dilemma's and International Peace
EditorsEdward Friedman
Place of PublicationLondon
ISBN (electronic)9781134003402
ISBN (print)9780203099841, 9780415405782, 9780415701853
Publication statusPublished - 20 Oct 2005
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NamePolitics in Asia series


In the early 1960s, Chiang Kai-shek abandoned efforts to recapture Mainland China and directed government energies to transforming Taiwan into a “model province.” Chiang hoped to create a microcosm of a glorious future China: orderly, prosperous, and patriotic. The Chinese people would then recognize the virtues of the Chiang family and of Kuomintang (KMT) party rule and overthrow the Communists. Chiang (or his son Ching-kuo) could then return to govern the Mainland, triumphing without firing a shot.

Citation Format(s)

Taiwan Adapts to the Network Society. / Lynch, Daniel.
China's Rise, Taiwan's Dilemma's and International Peace. ed. / Edward Friedman. London: Routledge, 2005. p. 130-145 (Politics in Asia series; Vol. 53).

Research output: Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary WorksRGC 12 - Chapter in an edited book (Author)peer-review