Synthesis of the tetranuclear mixed-metal carbido clusters [WRu3L(CO)114-C)(µ-H)] via methoxymethylidyne clusters [WRu3L(CO)113-COMe)](L =η-C5H5 or η-C5Me5). Crystal structures of [WRu3(η-C5Me5)(CO)113-COMe)] and [WRu3(η-C5H5)(CO)114-C)(µ-H)]

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

27 Scopus Citations
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  • Yun Chi
  • Shiow-Huey Chuang
  • Bao-Fei Chen
  • Shie-Ming Peng
  • Gene-Hsiang Lee


Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3033-3037
Journal / PublicationJournal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 1990
Externally publishedYes


Treatment of the complex [Ru3(CO)10(µ-COMe)H] with a slight excess of [WL(CO)3H](L =η-C5H5 or η-C5Me5) in refluxing toluene solution (45 min) produces a methoxymethylidyne complex [WRu3L(CO)113-COMe)][L =η-C5H5, (4a); or η-C5Me5, (4b)]. Hydrogenation of (4a) and (4b) in toluene induces scission of the C–O bond, giving a unique carbido cluster [WRu3L(CO)114-C)(µ-H)][L =η-C5H5, (3a); or η-C5Me5, (3b)]. The crystal structures of complexes (4b) and (3a) have been determined. Crystal data for (4b); space group P21/c, a= 8.993(2), b= 14.565(3), c= 21.090(3)Å, β= 90.66(2)°, Z= 4, R= 0.029, and R′= 0.030. Crystal data for (3a): space group Pca21, a= 19.685(3), b= 7.855(3), c= 14.054(3)Å, Z= 4, R= 0.033, and R′= 0.037.

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