Super square carbon nanotube network : a new promising water desalination membrane

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

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Original languageEnglish
Article number16004
Journal / Publicationnpj Computational Materials
Online published22 Apr 2016
Publication statusPublished - 2016



Super square (SS) carbon nanotube (CNT) networks, acting as a new kind of nanoporous membrane, manifest excellent water desalination performance. Nanopores in SS CNT network can efficiently filter NaCl from water. The water desalination ability of such nanoporous membranes critically depends on the pore diameter, permitting water molecule permeatration while salt ion obstruction. On the basis of the systematical analysis on the interaction among water permeability, salt concentration limit and pressure on the membranes, an empirical formula is developed to describe the relationship between pressure and concentration limit. In the meantime, the nonlinear relationship between pressure and water permeability is examined. Hence, by controlling pressure, optimal plan can be easily made to efficiently filter the saltwater. Moreover, steered molecular dynamics (MD) method uncovers bending and local buckling of SS CNT network that leads to salt ions passing through membranes. These important mechanical behaviours are neglected in most MD simulations, which may overestimate the filtration ability. Overall, water permeability of such material is several orders of magnitude higher than the conventional reverse osmosis membranes and several times higher than nanoporous graphene membranes. SS CNT networks may act as a new kind of membrane developed for water desalination with excellent filtration ability.

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