Review of the Singapore Companies Act : consultation on draft legislative changes to the Act

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

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Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)13-15
Journal / PublicationThe Company Lawyer
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2015
Externally publishedYes


In October 2013, MOF and ACRA sought further public consultation (“Second Consultation”) on the second part of the Draft Companies (Amendment) Bill 2013 that covers legislative amendments relating to foreign companies and other aspects of the Companies Act, including those relating to enhancing the powers of the Registrar of Companies to strike off companies and to share buyback limits. This note discusses some of the more controversial, as well as the significant, changes that are proposed in the Second Consultation.

Research Area(s)

  • Buy-back agreements, Companies, Financial reporting, Foreign companies, Registrar of Companies, Shares, Singapore