Restorative justice for juvenile offenders in China : Current practices and challenges

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

1 Scopus Citations
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Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)121-137
Journal / PublicationChina Journal of Social Work
Issue number2
Online published17 Jul 2020
Publication statusPublished - 2020


In recent decades, restorative justice has gained considerable recognition worldwide and has become a prominent option for diverting juveniles away from the traditional criminal justice system as well as delivering fair and just outcomes in the justice process. This paper provides an overview of how the criminal justice system operates for juvenile offenders in the People’s Republic of China (hereafter, China). Based on a sophisticated literature review of recent Chinese academic journal articles on restorative justice for juveniles, the paper presents an analysis of the characteristics and operational procedures of current practices. Deficits and potential future developments pertaining to Chinese restorative practices for delinquents are also discussed.
在最近的幾十年間, 恢復性司法在世界各地獲得了廣泛的認可, 並且已發展成為少年司法分流程式的一項公平和正義的重要選擇, 將一些青少年罪犯從傳統的刑事司法系統中轉移出來。 本文概述了中華人民共和國 (以下簡稱中國) 針對未成年人的刑事司法制度的運作模式。基於對近期有關恢復性司法的學術文獻詳盡的回顧, 本文分析了恢復性司法的實踐及特點, 並討論了中國少年恢復性司法實務的強弱和未來發展。

Research Area(s)

  • China, Criminal law, delinquents, education, juvenile justice, prosecution, reform, rehabilitation, restorative justice, social work