Recent advances in superplastic intermetallics with emphases on titanium and iron aluminides

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

3 Scopus Citations
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Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)169-176
Journal / PublicationMaterials Science Forum
Publication statusPublished - 1999
Externally publishedYes


Superplasticity has been demonstrated in many intermetallics, including nickel-base (NiaAl, Ni3Si), titanium-base (TiaAl, TiAl), and iron-base (Fe3Al, FeAl, Fe3Si) alloys. These alloys are primarily two-phase materials with fine and equiaxed grains. Exceptions are single-phase NJ3(Si,Ti) and Ti-50A1, and some coarse-grained iron aluminides. In this paper, superplastic deformation behavior as well as microstructural characteristics in these alloys are presented. The general principles used for developing superplastic intermetallics are outlined. Special discussions are presented on the recent discoveries of low-temperature superplasticity in TiAl and Superplasticity in coarse-grained iron aluminides. In the case of low-temperature superplasticity in TiAl, the phenomenon was observed at 800°C as compared to the conventional temperature of 1000°C. In the case of iron aluminides, superplasticity was recorded in unusually coarse-grained conditions (>100 um). The scientific and technological implications of these developments are discussed. © 1999 Trans Tech Publications,.

Research Area(s)

  • Aluminides, Fine Grain Size, Grain Boundary, Microstructure, Suicides

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