投资者对经济基本面的认知偏差会影响证券价格吗? : 中美证券市场对比分析

Do Investors' distorted Beliefs on Economic Fundamentals Affect Equity Prices? : A Comparative Study of China and United States

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

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Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)94-109
Number of pages16
Journal / Publication经济研究
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2017


Summary: By relaxing the complete rationality assumption imposed in the Lucas (1978) consumption-based asset pricing (CAPM) model, we study a new CAPM model in an endowment economy, which incorporates investors’ distorted beliefs on economic fundamentals. When there exists discrepancy between investors’ subjective beliefs and the market objective operating mechanism, our model can capture many well-documented economic anomalies, such as the US equity premium puzzle, and accumulative excess returns. In addition, our paper can address the low correlation between China’s consumption growth rate and its equity premiums. This paper further establishes a new GMM estimation method, which works with non-mathematical expectations. Since current GMM estimation methods can only deliver correct estimations under mathematical expectations, our new estimation method overcomes this one of the biggest challenges that current GMM literature is faced with. Based on our new model and robust estimation procedure, we find that investors in China have significantly low sensitivity on changes in mean levels of economics fundamentals than that in the United States. In the meanwhile, investors in China are prone to react on changes in volatilities of economic fundamentals. The results launched in our paper help explaining a well-known confusing phenomenon in China, that stock market’s performance has been deviating from its real economy for long.

Research Area(s)

  • 经济基本面, 完全理性假设, 认知偏差, 广义矩方法, 资本资产定价模型, 累计超额收益