ViboPneumo : A Vibratory-Pneumatic Finger-Worn Haptic Device for Altering Perceived Texture Roughness in Mixed Reality

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

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Original languageEnglish
Journal / PublicationIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
Publication statusOnline published - 22 Apr 2024


Extensive research has been done in haptic feedback for texture simulation in virtual reality (VR). However, it is challenging to modify the perceived tactile texture of existing physical objects which usually serve as anchors for virtual objects in mixed reality (MR). In this paper, we present ViboPneumo, a finger-worn haptic device that uses vibratory-pneumatic feedback to modulate (i.e., increase and decrease) the perceived roughness of the material surface contacted by the user's fingerpad while supporting the perceived sensation of other haptic properties (e.g., temperature or stickiness) in MR. Our device includes a silicone-based pneumatic actuator that can lift the user's fingerpad on the physical surface to reduce the contact area for roughness decreasing, and an on-finger vibrator for roughness increasing. The results of our perceptual study showed that the participants could perceive changes in roughness, both increasing and decreasing, compared to the original material surface. We also observed the overlapping roughness ratings among certain haptic stimuli (i.e., vibrotactile and pneumatic) and the originally perceived roughness of some materials without any haptic feedback. This suggests the potential to alter the perceived texture of one type of material to another in terms of roughness (e.g., modifying the perceived texture of ceramics as glass). Lastly, a user study of MR experience showed that ViboPneumo could significantly improve the MR user experience, particularly for visual-haptic matching, compared to the condition of a bare finger. We also demonstrated a few application scenarios for ViboPneumo.

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Research Area(s)

  • AR, Haptic interfaces, haptic perception, Modulation, pneumatic devices, Rough surfaces, roughness, Surface roughness, Surface texture, Vibrations, Virtual reality, VR, wearable haptics

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