Microplastic ingestion reduces energy intake in the clam Atactodea striata

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

147 Scopus Citations
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  • W.T. Lee
  • A.K.Y. Chan
  • P.K.S. Shin


Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)798-802
Journal / PublicationMarine Pollution Bulletin
Issue number2
Online published27 Dec 2016
Publication statusPublished - 30 Nov 2017


The effects of microplastic concentrations (10 items l− 1 and 1000 items l− 1) on the physiological responses of Atactodea striata (clearance rate, absorption efficiency, respiration rate) were investigated. The fates of ingested microplastics and the efficiency of depuration in removing ingested microplastics were also studied. A. striata ingested microplastics and the clearance rate was reduced at high concentration of microplastics. Since the respiration rate and absorption efficiency remained unchanged in exposed A. striata, reduction in the clearance rate would reduce the energy intake. Ingestion and retention of microplastics in the body were further limited by the production of pseudofaeces and faeces, and depuration in clean water, resulting in a very small amount of microplastics stored in the body of the clam.

Research Area(s)

  • Bivalves, Clearance rate, Microplastics, Physiological responses

Citation Format(s)

Microplastic ingestion reduces energy intake in the clam Atactodea striata. / Xu, X-Y.; Lee, W.T.; Chan, A.K.Y. et al.
In: Marine Pollution Bulletin, Vol. 124, No. 2, 30.11.2017, p. 798-802.

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review