High-aluminum phosphate glasses for single-mode waveguide-typed red light source

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

11 Scopus Citations
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Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)25-31
Journal / PublicationJournal of Non-Crystalline Solids
Publication statusPublished - 26 Jun 2015


High-aluminum phosphate (HAP) glasses with excellent chemical durability have been fabricated and investigated for thermal ion-exchanged optical waveguide. With the content adjustment, the glass constituents turn into high-aluminum area and the glass stability has been appropriately improved with more Al3 + ions cross-linked with phosphate chains, resulting in a restriction of ion-exchange rate. Consequently, stable single-mode slab waveguide operating in visible region was fabricated on Pr3 + doped HAP glass substrates by K+-Na+ ion-exchange. For Pr3 + doped HAP glasses, Judd-Ofelt intensity parameter Ω2 is solved to be 8.04 × 10- 20 cm2, implying a strong asymmetrical and covalent environment around Pr3 + in the optical glasses. Using the Ωt values, spontaneous transition probability (Arad) and branching ratio (β) of 1D23H4 emission are calculated to be 824.3 s- 1 and 13.54%, respectively, indicating that the transition emission is dominant in visible region. The radiative lifetime (τrad) and the quantum efficiency (ηq) of 1D2 level are identified to be 164.3 μs and 87.7%, respectively, and the quantum yield (QY) of 1D23H4 transition emission is derived to be 2.3%. These results demonstrate that Pr3 + doped HAP glasses are a promising substrate in developing high-density waveguide-typed red light source, which contains attractive potential applications in medical treatment and illumination.

Research Area(s)

  • Phosphate glasses, Quantum yield, Single-mode waveguide, Thermal K<sup>+</sup>-Na<sup>+</sup> ion-exchange, Visible region