What Drives Firms' Hiring Decisions? An Asset Pricing Perspective

Research output: Conference PapersRGC 33 - Other conference paper

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  • Frederico BELO
  • Andres DONANGELO
  • Xiaoji LIN
  • Ding LUO

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Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPresented - 26 May 2020


TitleSFS Cavalcade North America 2020
LocationUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Zoom)
PlaceUnited States
CityChapel Hill, NC
Period25 - 28 May 2020


In a neoclassical dynamic model of the firm with labor market frictions, optimal hiring is a forward-looking decision that depends on both discount rates and expected cash flows. Empirically, we show that: a) the aggregate hiring rate of publicly traded firms in the U.S. economy negatively predicts stock market excess returns and long-term cash flows both in-sample and out-of-sample, and positively predicts short-term cash flows; and b) through a variance decomposition, the time series variation in the aggregate hiring rate is mainly driven by changes in discount rates and short-term expected cash flows, each contributing roughly to 50% of the variation, with no contribution from variation in long-term expected cash flows. Through a structural estimation of the model, we show that labor adjustment costs and, to a lesser extent, time-variation in the price of aggregate productivity risk, are essential for the model to replicate the empirical patterns.

Citation Format(s)

What Drives Firms' Hiring Decisions? An Asset Pricing Perspective. / BELO, Frederico; DONANGELO, Andres; LIN, Xiaoji et al.
2020. SFS Cavalcade North America 2020, Chapel Hill, NC, United States.

Research output: Conference PapersRGC 33 - Other conference paper