Prefabricated beam-slab structure optimization based on multi-layer graphical representation and genetic-RAO algorithm

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

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Original languageEnglish
Article number103050
Journal / PublicationAdvanced Engineering Informatics
Online published18 Dec 2024
Publication statusOnline published - 18 Dec 2024


The beam-slab structure optimization problem is a complex large-scale combinatorial problem. Traditionally, structural design has heavily relied on engineers’ experience using trial-and-error methods, while optimization algorithms require complex parameter tuning, which deviates from practical engineering needs. To bridge this gap, this study proposes an innovative workflow integrating a Genetic-RAO Algorithm with Building Information Modeling to enhance the structural optimization process. The proposed workflow employs a multi-layer graph data structure to model the beam-slab structures, mapping all optimization variables to the edges of the graph, thereby enabling efficient manipulation of layout, load transfers, and component properties of structural schemes. The proposed algorithm eliminates the need for complex parameter tuning, enhancing accessibility and adaptability for practical engineering applications. Computational experiments and case studies demonstrate the proposed algorithm achieves cost reductions of 8.69%, 16.14%, 12.07% and 6.42% across four floor plans compared to the conventional genetic algorithm. Additionally, automating result visualization within the Revit platform promotes subsequent design modifications and fosters multi-disciplinary collaboration. These findings indicate that the proposed workflow significantly improves cost-effectiveness and efficiency in structural engineering optimization, offering a practical solution for the industry.

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Research Area(s)

  • Beam-slab structure, Structural optimization, Meta-heuristic algorithm, RAO algorithm, Building information modeling