Performance impact inference with failures in data center networks

Research output: Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary WorksRGC 32 - Refereed conference paper (with host publication)peer-review

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Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2016 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China, ICCC 2016
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
ISBN (print)9781509021437
Publication statusPublished - 21 Oct 2016


Title2016 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China, ICCC 2016
Period27 - 29 July 2016


Maintaining a data center network (DCN) is crucial to many services running on top of it, especially given its large scale with tens of thousands of network components. In this paper, we propose a method to infer performance change before failures really happen in data center networks, called Sibyl. Different from previous work, Sibyl relies on network topology information to infer network performance under failure scenarios without the overhead of active measurements. Specifically, we demonstrate that most important performance metrics can be obtained from two fundamental topological metrics. We develop efficient algorithms to obtain these two fundamental metrics, leveraging graph automorphism of various DCN topologies.

Citation Format(s)

Performance impact inference with failures in data center networks. / Zhang, Che; Xu, Hong; Hu, Chengchen.
2016 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China, ICCC 2016. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 2016. 7636829.

Research output: Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary WorksRGC 32 - Refereed conference paper (with host publication)peer-review