Origin of giant negative piezoelectricity in a layered van der Waals ferroelectric

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

198 Scopus Citations
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  • Lu You
  • Yang Zhang
  • Shuang Zhou
  • Apoorva Chaturvedi
  • Samuel A. Morris
  • Fucai Liu
  • Lei Chang
  • Daichi Ichinose
  • Hiroshi Funakubo
  • Weijin Hu
  • Tom Wu
  • Zheng Liu
  • Shuai Dong


Original languageEnglish
Article numbereaav3780
Journal / PublicationScience Advances
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2019
Externally publishedYes


Recent research on piezoelectric materials is predominantly devoted to enhancing the piezoelectric coefficient, but overlooks its sign, largely because almost all of them exhibit positive longitudinal piezoelectricity. The only experimentally known exception is ferroelectric polymer poly(vinylidene fluoride) and its copolymers, which condense via weak van der Waals (vdW) interaction and show negative piezoelectricity. Here we report quantitative determination of giant intrinsic negative longitudinal piezoelectricity and electrostriction in another class of vdW solids-two-dimensional (2D) layered ferroelectric CuInP 2 S 6 . With the help of single crystal x-ray crystallography and density-functional theory calculations, we unravel the atomistic origin of negative piezoelectricity in this system, which arises from the large displacive instability of Cu ions coupled with its reduced lattice dimensionality. Furthermore, the sizable piezoelectric response and negligible substrate clamping effect of the 2DvdWpiezoelectricmaterials warrant their great potential in nanoscale, flexible electromechanical devices. © 2019 The Authors.

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Citation Format(s)

Origin of giant negative piezoelectricity in a layered van der Waals ferroelectric. / You, Lu; Zhang, Yang; Zhou, Shuang et al.
In: Science Advances, Vol. 5, No. 4, eaav3780, 04.2019.

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review