Observation for Markov Jump Piecewise-Affine Systems With Admissible Region-Switching Paths

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

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Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4319-4326
Journal / PublicationIEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Issue number9
Online published13 Oct 2020
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2021


The article investigates the problem of state observation for discrete-time Markov jump piecewise-affine (PWA) systems, which cover both Markov jump systems and traditional PWA systems as two special classes. A new method for determining the admissible region-switching paths between adjacent time instants is proposed for both the plant state and the estimator state, so that both the computation cost and the conservatism of the theoretical results are reduced. To analyze the mean-square stability of the observation error system, a novel piecewise Lyapunov function is constructed, which depends on the current mode and the region indices of both the system and observer states. As the partitions of the state space are different for different modes, the region indices are dependent on the system mode. Then, mode-dependent PWA observers are designed by means of S-procedure and ellipsoidal outer approximation such that the observation error system is mean-square stable. The proposed observation strategy is demonstrated via an illustrative example.

Research Area(s)

  • Admissible region-switching paths (ARSPs), Markov jump piecewise-affine (PWA) systems, mode-dependent piecewise Lyapunov function, observer synthesis, region partition, NO MODE OBSERVATION, OBSERVER DESIGN, LINEAR-SYSTEMS, NONLINEAR-SYSTEMS, OUTPUT-FEEDBACK, FAULT-DETECTION, H-2-CONTROL, STABILITY

Citation Format(s)

Observation for Markov Jump Piecewise-Affine Systems With Admissible Region-Switching Paths. / Ning, Zepeng; Zhang, Lixian; Feng, Gang et al.
In: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 66, No. 9, 09.2021, p. 4319-4326.

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review