Nonzero angular momentum density wave phases in SU(N) fermions with singlet-bond and triplet-current interactions

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

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Original languageEnglish
Article number195137
Journal / PublicationPhysical Review B
Issue number19
Publication statusPublished - 15 Nov 2022



We employ the sign-problem-free projector determinant quantum Monte Carlo method to study a microscopic model of SU(N) fermions with singlet-bond and triplet-current interactions on the square lattice. We find the gapped singlet px and gapless triplet dx²-y² density wave states in the half-filled N=4 model. Specifically, the triplet dx²-y² density wave order is observed in the weak triplet-current interaction regime. As the triplet-current interaction strength is further increased, our simulations demonstrate a transition to the singlet px density wave state, accompanied by a gapped mixed-ordered area where the two orders coexist. With increasing the singlet-bond interaction strength, the triplet dx²-y²-wave order persists up to a critical point after which the singlet px density wave state is stabilized, while the ground state is disordered in between the two ordered phases. The analytical continuation is then performed to derive the single-particle spectrum. In the spectra of triplet dx²-y² and singlet px density waves, the anisotropic Dirac cone and the parabolic shape around the Dirac point are observed, respectively. As for the mixed-ordered area, a single-particle gap opens and the velocities remain anisotropic at the Dirac point.

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