Microstructure and mechanical behaviour of a SiC particles reinforced Al-5Cu composite under dynamic loading

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

23 Scopus Citations
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  • Y. X. Lu
  • X. M. Meng
  • R. K Y Li
  • C. G. Huang


Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)175-178
Journal / PublicationJournal of Materials Processing Technology
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 29 Sept 1999


The mechanical behaviour of a composite of Al-5Cu matrix reinforced with 15% SiC particles was studied at different strain rates from 1×10-3 to 2.5×103 s-1 using both a conventional universal testing machine (for low strain-rate tests) and a split Hopkinson bar (for tests at dynamic strain rates). Whilst the yield stress of the composite increases as the strain rate increases, the maximum flow stresses, 440 MPa for compression and 450 MPa for tension, are independent of strain rate. The microstructures and defect structures of the deformed composite were studied with both scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy and were correlated to the observed mechanical behaviour. Fracture surface studies of samples after dynamic tensile testing indicates that failure of the composite is controlled by ductile failure of the aluminum matrix by the nucleation, growth and coalescence of voids.

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