Lifecycle cost analysis (LCCA) of tailor-made building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) façade : Solsmaragden case study in Norway

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

58 Scopus Citations
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Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)488-502
Journal / PublicationSolar Energy
Online published8 Oct 2020
Publication statusPublished - 15 Nov 2020



In dense urban areas, the use of building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) façades are becoming popular and they are bringing many advantageous along with the energy-saving features. However, at the same time, they raise tensions in capital investments and overall returns. “Solsmaragden” is one of such a commercial building, that is integrated with BIPV façade with the peak power of 127.5 kW and owned by Union eiendomsutvikling AS in Norway. In this paper, a lifecycle cost analysis (LCCA) of BIPV façade integrated to “Solsmaragden” is investigated based on on-field recorded data after four years of operation (2016–2019). While formulating LCCA, numerous benefits from system power generation, societal and environmental benefits, and financial gains due to three different end-of-life material recovery approaches were also considered. The result based on the field monitored performance showed that the net present value (NPV), discounted payback period, internal rate of return and levelised cost of energy of the system is equal to 478,934 NOK, 22 years, 6% and 1.28 NOK/kWh, respectively. It is observed that the BIPV system as a building envelope material for different orientations of the building skin could reimburse not only all the investment costs but also become a source of income for the buildings. The results also illustrated that the granted subsidy is substantially covering the societal and environmental benefits of this project.

Research Area(s)

  • Building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV), Lifecycle cost analysis (LCCA), BIPV societal and environmental benefits, BIPV end-of-life material recovery, Net present value (NPV), Building envelope materials

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