Intermediate filaments spatially organize intracellular nanostructures to produce the bright structural blue of ribbontail stingrays across ontogeny

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

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  • Michael J. Blumer
  • Venkata A. Surapaneni
  • Jana Ciecierska-Holmes
  • Stefan Redl
  • Elisabeth J. Pechriggl
  • Frederik H. Mollen


Original languageEnglish
Article number1393237
Number of pages19
Journal / PublicationFrontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology
Online published10 Jul 2024
Publication statusPublished - 2024



In animals, pigments but also nanostructures determine skin coloration, and many shades are produced by combining both mechanisms. Recently, we discovered a new mechanism for blue coloration in the ribbontail stingray Taeniura lymma, a species with electric blue spots on its yellow-brown skin. Here, we characterize finescale differences in cell composition and architecture distinguishing blue from non-blue regions, the first description of elasmobranch chromatophores and the nanostructures responsible for the stingray’s novel structural blue, contrasting with other known mechanisms for making nature’s rarest color. In blue regions, the upper dermis comprised a layer of chromatophore units —iridophores and melanophores entwined in compact clusters framed by collagen bundles— this structural stability perhaps the root of the skin color’s robustness. Stingray iridophores were notably different from other vertebrate light-reflecting cells in having numerous fingerlike processes, which surrounded nearby melanophores like fists clenching a black stone. Iridophores contained spherical iridosomes enclosing guanine nanocrystals, suspended in a 3D quasi-order, linked by a cytoskeleton of intermediate filaments. We argue that intermediate filaments form a structural scaffold with a distinct optical role, providing the iridosome spacing critical to produce the blue color. In contrast, black-pigmented melanosomes within melanophores showed space-efficient packing, consistent with their hypothesized role as broadband-absorbers for enhancing blue color saturation. The chromatophore layer’s ultrastructure was similar in juvenile and adult animals, indicating that skin color and perhaps its ecological role are likely consistent through ontogeny. In non-blue areas, iridophores were replaced by pale cells, resembling iridophores in some morphological and nanoscale features, but lacking guanine crystals, suggesting that the cell types arise from a common progenitor cell. The particular cellular associations and structural interactions we demonstrate in stingray skin suggest that pigment cells induce differentiation in the progenitor cells of iridophores, and that some features driving color production may be shared with bony fishes, although the lineages diverged hundreds of millions of years ago and the iridophores themselves differ drastically. © Blumer, Surapaneni, Ciecierska-Holmes, Redl, Pechriggl, Mollen and Dean.

Research Area(s)

  • elasmobranchs, skin, chromatophore unit, iridophores, vesicles, guanine, melanophore, mosaic organelle

Citation Format(s)

Intermediate filaments spatially organize intracellular nanostructures to produce the bright structural blue of ribbontail stingrays across ontogeny. / Blumer, Michael J.; Surapaneni, Venkata A.; Ciecierska-Holmes, Jana et al.
In: Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, Vol. 12, 1393237, 2024.

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

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