Interlayer Injection of Low-Valence Zn Atoms to Activate MXene-Based Micro-Redox Capacitors With Battery-Type Voltage Plateaus

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

39 Scopus Citations
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Original languageEnglish
Article number2303060
Journal / PublicationAdvanced Functional Materials
Publication statusOnline published - 21 Jun 2023


Insufficient and unstable energy output is the bottleneck issue radically restricting the application of micro-supercapacitors (MSCs). Herein, an interlayer atom injection strategy that can anchor low-valence Zn atoms (Znδ+, 0 < δ <2) on O-terminals of Ti3C2Tx (MXene) flakes within the MXene/silver-nanowires hybrid cathode of symmetric MSCs is first presented. Combining the polyacrylamide/ZnCl2 hydrogel electrolyte rich in Cl and Zn2+ ions, the matched Znδ+/Zn2+ (−0.76 V vs SHE) and Ag/AgCl (0.23 V vs SHE), redox couples between the symmetrical electrodes are activated to offer faradaic charge storage beside ions-intercalation involved pseudocapacitance. Thus, a battery-type voltage plateau (≈0.9 V) appears in the discharge curve of a fabricated pseudo-symmetric micro-redox capacitor, simultaneously achieving energy density enhancement (117 µWh cm−2 at 0.5 mA cm−2) and substantially improved power output stability (46% of the energy from the plateau region) relative to that before activation (98 µWh cm−2 without voltage platform). The work provides a fire-new strategy to overcome the performance bottlenecks confronting conventional MSCs. © 2023 Wiley-VCH GmbH.

Research Area(s)

  • low-valence Zn atoms, micro-redox capacitors, MXenes, redox couples, voltage plateaus, PERFORMANCE, SUPERCAPACITOR, ELECTRODES, COMPOSITE