Group-Based Distinctive Image Captioning with Memory Difference Encoding and Attention

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

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Original languageEnglish
Number of pages21
Journal / PublicationInternational Journal of Computer Vision
Online published8 Oct 2024
Publication statusOnline published - 8 Oct 2024


Recent advances in image captioning have focused on enhancing accuracy by substantially increasing the dataset and model size. While conventional captioning models exhibit high performance on established metrics such as BLEU, CIDEr, and SPICE, the capability of captions to distinguish the target image from other similar images is under-explored. To generate distinctive captions, a few pioneers employed contrastive learning or re-weighted the ground-truth captions. However, these approaches often overlook the relationships among objects in a similar image group (e.g., items or properties within the same album or fine-grained events). In this paper, we introduce a novel approach to enhance the distinctiveness of image captions, namely Group-based Differential Distinctive Captioning Method, which visually compares each image with other images in one similar group and highlights the uniqueness of each image. In particular, we introduce a Group-based Differential Memory Attention (GDMA) module, designed to identify and emphasize object features in an image that are uniquely distinguishable within its image group, i.e., those exhibiting low similarity with objects in other images. This mechanism ensures that such unique object features are prioritized during caption generation for the image, thereby enhancing the distinctiveness of the resulting captions. To further refine this process, we select distinctive words from the ground-truth captions to guide both the language decoder and the GDMA module. Additionally, we propose a new evaluation metric, the Distinctive Word Rate (DisWordRate), to quantitatively assess caption distinctiveness. Quantitative results indicate that the proposed method significantly improves the distinctiveness of several baseline models, and achieves state-of-the-art performance on distinctiveness while not excessively sacrificing accuracy. Moreover, the results of our user study are consistent with the quantitative evaluation and demonstrate the rationality of the new metric DisWordRate. © The Author(s) 2024.

Research Area(s)

  • Distinctiveness, Image caption, Memory attention, Vision and language