Generalized TODIM method based on symmetric intuitionistic fuzzy Jensen–Shannon divergence

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

10 Scopus Citations
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  • Xinxing Wu
  • Zhiyi Zhu
  • Witold Pedrycz
  • Lantian Liu
  • Manish Aggarwal

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Original languageEnglish
Article number121554
Journal / PublicationExpert Systems with Applications
Issue numberPart B
Online published14 Sept 2023
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2024


Intuitionistic fuzzy (IF) theory has become main approach to representing imprecision and vagueness. The IF divergence measure (IFDivM) based on Jensen–Shannon divergence is perhaps the most widely used measure to compare the similarity of multiple intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFSs). In the present paper, this IFDivM is examined and applied to multiple examples. It is found that some extant IFDivMs hardly satisfy the axiomatic definition, and in a few cases even unable to show divergence of trivial IFSs. To address these inconsistencies, a new IFDivM based on Jensen–Shannon divergence is proposed, free from these problems. The effectiveness of the proposed IFDivM is tested on several critical cases, and precise analysis of its properties is performed. It is proved that the proposed IFDivM satisfies the axiomatic definition of IFDivMs. To illustrate the practical significance of the IFDivM, a novel intuitionistic fuzzy (IF) TODIM method, based on the proposed IFDivM, is developed, termed as GIF-TODIM method. Unlike the existing IF-TODIM methods, GIF-TODIM does not suffer from the revere ordering inconsistencies. The proposed GIF-TODIM method and the proposed IFDivM are applied to a real-world case study on supplier selection. A detailed comparative analysis is performed taking the TOPSIS method and other IFDivMs as baselines. The role of attitude on the final choice is analyzed in great detail. It is found that the proposed GIF-TODIM method is indeed useful, effective, and superior to the counterpart methods, when it comes to real-world situations. Concomitantly, in the present work, it is also revealed that the TOPSIS method based on the 2-D Hamming distance is a special form of the proposed GIF-TODIM method, when decision-makers have the same attitude towards losses and gains. Thus, an interesting relationship between TOPSIS and TODIM is identified under the intuitionistic fuzzy environment, which is bound to propel significant research in the area of decision making under uncertain conditions. As a whole, the article offers comprehensive analyses of IFDivMs and the TODIM method under the intuitionistic fuzzy environment. © 2023 Elsevier Ltd

Research Area(s)

  • Divergence measure, Intuitionistic fuzzy set, Jensen–Shannon divergence, Multi-attribute group decision making (MAGDM), TODIM, TOPSIS

Citation Format(s)

Generalized TODIM method based on symmetric intuitionistic fuzzy Jensen–Shannon divergence. / Wu, Xinxing; Zhu, Zhiyi; Chen, Guanrong et al.
In: Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 237, No. Part B, 121554, 01.03.2024.

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review