Effects of heavy metals on the survival and feeding behaviour of the sandy shore scavenging gastropod Nassarius festivus (Powys)

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

41 Scopus Citations
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Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)107-113
Journal / PublicationMarine Pollution Bulletin
Issue number1-12
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2002


The effects of Cu, Cd, Zn and Cr on the survival and feeding behaviour of the sandy shore scavenging gastropod Nassarius festivus were compared. The 96-h LC50 for Cu, Cd, Zn and Cr were 0.36, 1.52, 1.76 and 36.9 mgl-1, respectively. Four sublethal concentrations of each metal plus a control were prepared and the snails were exposed to experimental solutions for 96 h. Feeding behaviour was studied after the snails were starved for five days. As compared with the control, the number of individuals feeding was significantly reduced by exposure to 0.05 mgl-1 Cu, 0.2 mgl-1 Zn, 0.5 mgl-1 Cd and 5 mgl-1 Cr. The time spent feeding was greater for individuals exposed to greater concentrations of Zn and Cd but no effect was found for Cu and Cr. Chemoreception of food was studied by placing the snails at a fixed distance of 15 cm from the bait. The success rate of reaching the bait was less for individuals exposed to Cr but no effect was found for Zn, Cu or Cd. The time required for an individual to reach the bait decreased as the concentration of Zn increased. In contrast, a longer time was required for individuals exposed to Cr whereas the effect of Cd and Cu was insignificant. The potential of using feeding behaviour and chemoreception in contaminant evaluations is discussed. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Research Area(s)

  • Feeding behaviour, Gastropod, Heavy metals, Nassarius festivus

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