Dynamic interaction of functional brain connectivity in Convergent and divergent thinking

Research output: Conference PapersRGC 31A - Invited conference paper (refereed items)Yespeer-review

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Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2019


Title2019 Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience Annual meeting
Period26 January 2019


Creativity is defined as a cognitive process which involves generation of useful and novel ideas which can be used to solve problems. Such cognitive processes can be defined by two components: convergent thinking (i.e. collecting various thoughts and ideas to find the best solution for a particular problem) and divergent thinking (i.e. defining multiple solutions to solve a particular problem). Meta-analytic studies of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data focusing on a variety of creativity tasks, have demonstrated that divergent and convergent thinking are associated with differential frontal and parieto-temporal activations that may reflect diverse processes of creative thinking. In this fMRI study, we investigate whether convergent and divergent thinking involve distinct patterns of functional brain connectivity by applying the psycho-physiology interactions (PPIs) approach. Twenty-five healthy participants performed the Chinese-word remote Assoicates task (CAT) to characterize the convergent thinking process and the Alternative Uses Task (AUT) for divergent thinking process. The whole brain analysis revealed that CAT showed activations in the left fronto-parietal region whereas AUT had activations in the bilateral cortical regions of the brain. In the PPI analysis, the hippocampus was connected positively to the superior and inferior frontal gyrus, insula, precuneus, superior parietal lobule and few temporal region stipulating retrieval and selection of the semantic memory whereas in the AUT, the hippocampus showed positive modulation towards superior and middle frontal gyrus, cerebellum and posterior parietal lobule indicating combinatory thought process in the participants relating to remote concepts. Our results suggest the differential and distributed functional connectivity brain patterns associated to convergent and divergent creativity.

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Citation Format(s)

Dynamic interaction of functional brain connectivity in Convergent and divergent thinking. / Patil , Abhishek Uday; Madathil, Deepa ; Tzeng, Ovid Jyh-Lang et al.
2019. 2019 Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience Annual meeting, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

Research output: Conference PapersRGC 31A - Invited conference paper (refereed items)Yespeer-review