Development of Nanotechnology for Biosensing, THz, and Meta Devices

Research output: Conference PapersRGC 31A - Invited conference paper (refereed items)Yespeer-review

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Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 21 Jun 2023


Title1st Academic Conference between City University of Hong Kong and South China University of Technology in the Telecommunications Industry
LocationSouth China University of Technology
Period21 June 2023


Nanotechnology is applied to generate various nanostructures for high-performance biosensors, THz, and meta devices. Combining nanoimprint with precise dry etching, three-dimensional(3D) nanodevices with multiple layers and unique functions are produced with fast speed, highuniformity, and highly controllable dimensions. In this presentation, 3D plasmonic biosensorswill be shown to monitor cells and biomolecules with high sensitivity. Platforms with nanostructures are used to influence cell migration behaviors and separate cancer cells. Very high-frequency THz lenses and antennas with unique beam control will be shown using curved or metasurfaces. Moreover, multiple-layer metasurfaces with twist angles will be developed using nanoimprint to form chiral magic angles for light manipulation.

Citation Format(s)

Development of Nanotechnology for Biosensing, THz, and Meta Devices. / Pang, Stella W.
2023. 1st Academic Conference between City University of Hong Kong and South China University of Technology in the Telecommunications Industry, Guangzhou, China.

Research output: Conference PapersRGC 31A - Invited conference paper (refereed items)Yespeer-review