Copper Toxicity in Acidic Phytoplankton : Impacts of Labile Cu Trafficking and Causes of Mitochondria Dysfunction

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

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Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)16142-16152
Journal / PublicationEnvironmental Science & Technology
Issue number36
Online published28 Aug 2024
Publication statusPublished - 10 Sept 2024


Most studies on Cu toxicity relied on indirect physicochemical parameters to predict Cu toxicity resulting from adverse impacts. This study presents a systematic and intuitive picture of Cu toxicity induced by exogenous acidification in phytoplankton Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. We first showed that acidification reduced the algal resistance to environmental Cu stress with a decreased growth rate and increased Cu bioaccumulation. To further investigate this phenomenon, we employed specific fluorescent probes to visualize the intracellular labile Cu pools in different algal cells. Our findings indicated that acidification disrupted the intracellular labile Cu trafficking, leading to a significant increase in labile Cu(I) pools. At the molecular level, Cu toxicity resulted in the inhibition of the Cu(I) import system and activation of the Cu(I) export system in acidic algal cells, likely a response to the imbalance in intracellular labile Cu trafficking. Subcellular analysis revealed that Cu toxicity induced extensive mitochondrial dysfunction and impacted the biogenesis and assembly of the respiratory chain complex in acidic algal cells. Concurrently, we proposed that the activation of polyP synthesis could potentially regulate disrupted intracellular labile Cu trafficking. Our study offers an intuitive, multilevel perspective on the origins and impacts of Cu toxicity in living organisms, providing valuable insights on metal toxicity. © 2024 American Chemical Society.

Research Area(s)

  • acidification, Cu toxicity, labile Cu trafficking, mitochondria dysfunction, phytoplankton