Concentration-response of six marine species to all-trans-retinoic acid and its ecological risk to the marine environment

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

6 Scopus Citations
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Original languageEnglish
Article number113455
Journal / PublicationEcotoxicology and Environmental Safety
Online published28 Mar 2022
Publication statusPublished - 15 Apr 2022



Being a class of vitamin A's main derivatives, retinoic acids (RAs) are important to animals’ growth and development. Previous studies demonstrated that exposure of excessive amounts of RAs would lead to malformation and abnormal development in aquatic animals such as amphibians and fishes. Currently, there are only limited toxicity data of RAs available for freshwater species, while those for marine species are seriously lacking. This study aimed to fill such data gap by conducting toxicity tests on six marine species (i.e., one microalga, four invertebrates and one fish) towards the exposure to all-trans-RA (at-RA), which is the most widely distributed RA in the environment. Results showed that the embryo of medaka fish Oryzias melastigma was the most sensitive towards the exposure of at-RA while the gastropod Monodonta labio was the least sensitive. A species sensitivity distribution (SSD) was constructed based on the experimental results generated from the present study. An interim marine-specific predicted no-effect concentration (PNEC) of at-RA was derived at 2300 ng/L. By computing the hazard quotients using the interim marine-specific PNEC and available measured and predicted concentrations of RAs, we found the current levels of RAs posed no immediate risks to the marine environment of Hong Kong. The interim marine-specific PNEC was more than 500-fold of freshwater-specific PNEC (i.e., 3.93 ng/L), indicating that marine species were generally less sensitive than their freshwater counterparts towards RAs. This was the first study to document the concentration-response of various marine species towards at-RA exposure and construct the marine-specific SSD for assessing the ecological risk of at-RA towards the marine environment. Since various forms of RAs and their metabolites often coexist in aquatic environments, further studies should investigate their combined toxicity to an array of marine species of different trophic levels with consideration of chronic exposure scenarios.

Research Area(s)

  • Acute toxicity, Ecological risk, Marine, Retinoids, Species sensitivity

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