Challenges and opportunities for the conservation of Asian horseshoe crabs

Research output: Conference PapersRGC 31A - Invited conference paper (refereed items)Yespeer-review

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Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 26 Aug 2017


Title2017 International Conference on the Conservation of Asian Horseshoe Crabs (ICCA-HSC 2017)
Period25 - 26 August 2017


There are four species of horseshoe crab living today and all of them are facing conservation threats. To counter these threats, the IUCN Species Survival Commission Horseshoe Crab Specialist Group was formed in 2012, aiming at protecting horseshoe crabs in the world through collaborative effort of various stakeholders. The species specialist group has identified threats for the conservation of horseshoe crabs that include the loss of spawning, nursery and adult habitats; exploitation for medicinal production and human consumption; lack of data to assess status of populations and habitats, as well as lack of regulations, public awareness and funding. This talk will outline some of the achievements of the species specialist group in the past few years and major goals and challenges in the future.
The study of horseshoe crabs in Hong Kong began in late 1980s. After 30 years of scientific research and community involvement of local academics and NGOs, the Hong Kong SAR Government has finally agreed that horseshoe crabs require immediate conservation actions and an action plan will be prepared under the Hong Kong Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2016-2021. Stories of success and failure in the conservation of horseshoe crabs in Hong Kong will be shared.

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Research Unit(s) information for this publication is provided by the author(s) concerned.

Citation Format(s)

Challenges and opportunities for the conservation of Asian horseshoe crabs. / Cheung, Siu-Gin.
2017. 2017 International Conference on the Conservation of Asian Horseshoe Crabs (ICCA-HSC 2017), Bangkok, Thailand.

Research output: Conference PapersRGC 31A - Invited conference paper (refereed items)Yespeer-review