Bayesian model updating in ballasted tracks with the consideration of non-linear ballast stiffness

Research output: Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary WorksRGC 32 - Refereed conference paper (with host publication)peer-review

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Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of The 22nd Annual Conference of HKSTAM 2018 & The 14th Shanghai - Hong Kong Forum on Mechanics and Its Application
EditorsZhongqing Su, Li Cheng
Publication statusPublished - 14 Apr 2018


TitleThe 22nd Annual Conference of Hong Kong Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (HKSTAM) in conjunction with the 14th Shanghai - Hong Kong Forum on Mechanics and Its Application
LocationThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR
PlaceHong Kong
CityHong Kong
Period14 April 2018


The nonlinear behaviour of granular engineering materials is widely known; and railway ballast has no exception. Under large amplitude vibrations, the behaviour of ballast becomes non-linear. Therefore, to reduce modelling errors in the detection of ballast damage, most importantly, under the sleeper; the nonlinear elastic behaviour of the ballast must be considered. Non-linear modelling is usually synonymous with discrete element modelling (DEM), in which the time constraint and the computational cost hinder applicability in large scale analysis. This paper reports the development of a methodology for model updating of the rail-ballast-sleeper system based on the Bayesian stsatistical framework, by incorporating non-linear ballast stiffness into finite element models. Instead of calculating the ballast stiffness, the proposed methodology estimate the marginal posterior (updated) probability density function (PDF) of various nonlinear ballast stiffness parameters utilizing a set of measured vibration data. To avoid the limitations identified with modal parameters, time-domain vibration data were utilized in the methodology. The applicability and effectiveness of the proposed model updating methodology were verified using simulated impact hammer vibration data. Different case studies with different simulated noise levels and different amount of measured data were also considered to investigate the robustness of the methodology. The analysis results are very encouraging showing possible extension of the proposed methodology in ballast damage identification.

Citation Format(s)

Bayesian model updating in ballasted tracks with the consideration of non-linear ballast stiffness. / Adeagbo, M.O.; Lam, H.F.
Proceedings of The 22nd Annual Conference of HKSTAM 2018 & The 14th Shanghai - Hong Kong Forum on Mechanics and Its Application. ed. / Zhongqing Su; Li Cheng. HKSTAM, 2018. p. 26.

Research output: Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary WorksRGC 32 - Refereed conference paper (with host publication)peer-review