ARAnimator : In-situ Character Animation in Mobile AR with User-defined Motion Gestures

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

31 Scopus Citations
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Original languageEnglish
Article number83
Journal / PublicationACM Transactions on Graphics
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2020



Creating animated virtual AR characters closely interacting with real environments is interesting but difficult. Existing systems adopt video seethrough approaches to indirectly control a virtual character in mobile AR, making close interaction with real environments not intuitive. In this work we use an AR-enabled mobile device to directly control the position and motion of a virtual character situated in a real environment. We conduct two guessability studies to elicit user-defined motions of a virtual character interacting with real environments, and a set of user-defined motion gestures describing specific character motions. We found that an SVM-based learning approach achieves reasonably high accuracy for gesture classification from the motion data of a mobile device. We present ARAnimator, which allows novice and casual animation users to directly represent a virtual character by an AR-enabled mobile phone and control its animation in AR scenes using motion gestures of the device, followed by animation preview and interactive editing through a video see-through interface. Our experimental results show that with ARAnimator, users are able to easily create in-situ character animations closely interacting with different real environments.

Research Area(s)

  • character animation, gesture Classification, interactive system, mobile augmented reality, user defined gestures

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