Advancing lithium-ion battery anodes towards a sustainable future : Approaches to achieve high specific capacity, rapid charging, and improved safety

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

6 Scopus Citations
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  • Hong Zhao
  • Hong Xu
  • Li Wang
  • Xiangming He


Original languageEnglish
Article number103696
Journal / PublicationEnergy Storage Materials
Online published12 Aug 2024
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2024


In the epoch of sustainability and the rapid expansion of digital electronics and electric vehicles, the quest for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) with high specific capacity, rapid charging capabilities, and enhanced safety has become a pivotal focus of research. Our perspective delves into strategies at atomic and nano scales to meet the demand for advanced anode materials. We asserted that the utilization of high-specific energy anodes, achieved through nanosizing and blending with carbon materials, can notably mitigate volume expansion. Additionally, methods like element doping, defect introduction, adjustment of atomic layer spacing, and modification of phase interfaces have demonstrated efficacy in lowering the lithium ion diffusion barrier, thus facilitating quick charging. While acknowledging that elevating the lithium deposition potential may result in a reduced specific capacity, it effectively hinders the formation of lithium dendrites and electrolyte decomposition, introducing a novel approach to enhancing anode safety. Lastly, from a commercial application perspective, we identified the most promising anode materials that combine high capacity, excellent fast-charging performance, and safety. This perspective paper aims to underline the challenges and investigate the feasibility of developing anodes that offer high specific capacity, fast-charging, and superior safety simultaneously, opening avenues for the next generation of high-performance LIBs. © 2024 Elsevier B.V.

Research Area(s)

  • Anodes, Fast-charging, High specific capacity, Lithium-ion battery, Safety

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