A Real-Time Hierarchical Energy Management Strategy for FTPSS to Improve the PV/RBE Utilization and Power Supply Quality

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

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  • Fan Xiao
  • Ming Yuan

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Original languageEnglish
Journal / PublicationIEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
Publication statusPublished - 14 Nov 2024


The flexible traction power supply system (FTPSS) based on the railway power conditioner (RPC), photovoltaic (PV), and energy storage system (ESS) can realize energy exchange between substations while providing an opportunity for efficient use of PV and regenerative braking energy (RBE). However, the power of PV and traction loads (TL) has multi-directional, large amplitude, and high-frequency fluctuation characteristics in the FTPSS. Thus, realizing efficient and high-quality dispatch for FTPSS has become a pressing challenge under the real-time energy management requirements. To this end, a real-time hierarchical energy management strategy (EMS) for FTPSS to improve the PV/RBE utilization and power supply quality is designed. First, a cooperative mechanism for energy hierarchical management is developed. That is, the multi-station level carries out cluster management in 10s, and the substation level carries out autonomy management in 1s. Secondly, a unified active-reactive power flow model for FTPSS is established at the multi-station cluster management level, determining the optimal power flow for the FTPSS and the line power losses. Meanwhile, a combined rule-based and optimization EMS is proposed at the substation autonomy management level, which combines the advantages of high timeliness of rule-based EMS with the multi-objective synchronization gain of optimization EMS. Finally, the performance of the proposed strategy is verified on the MATLAB simulation platform and RT-LAB semi-physical platform based on measured data. © 2024 IEEE.

Research Area(s)

  • Flexible traction power supply system, hierarchical energy management, photovoltaic, power supply quality, regenerative braking energy

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