A novel nonosteocytic regulatory mechanism of bone modeling

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

35 Scopus Citations
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  • Lior Ofer
  • Paul Zaslansky
  • Shiri Kult
  • Yulia Shwartz
  • Janna Zaretsky
  • Shelley Griess-Fishheimer
  • Efrat Monsonego-Ornan
  • Elazar Zelzer
  • Ron Shahar


Original languageEnglish
Article numbere3000140
Journal / PublicationPLoS Biology
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2019
Externally publishedYes



Osteocytes, cells forming an elaborate network within the bones of most vertebrate taxa, are thought to be the master regulators of bone modeling, a process of coordinated, local bone-tissue deposition and removal that keeps bone strains at safe levels throughout life. Neoteleost fish, however, lack osteocytes and yet are known to be capable of bone modeling, although no osteocyte-independent modeling regulatory mechanism has so far been described. Here, we characterize a novel, to our knowledge, bone-modeling regulatory mechanism in a fish species (medaka), showing that although lacking osteocytes (i.e., internal mechanosensors), when loaded, medaka bones model in mechanically directed ways, successfully reducing high tissue strains. We establish that as in mammals, modeling in medaka is regulated by the SOST gene, demonstrating a mechanistic link between skeletal loading, SOST down-regulation, and intense bone deposition. However, whereas mammalian SOST is expressed almost exclusively by osteocytes, in both medaka and zebrafish (a species with osteocytic bones), SOST is expressed by a variety of nonosteocytic cells, none of which reside within the bone bulk. These findings argue that in fishes (and perhaps other vertebrates), nonosteocytic skeletal cells are both sensors and responders, shouldering duties believed exclusive to osteocytes. This previously unrecognized, SOST-dependent, osteocyte-independent mechanism challenges current paradigms of osteocyte exclusivity in bone-modeling regulation, suggesting the existence of multivariate feedback networks in bone modeling—perhaps also in mammalian bones—and thus arguing for the possibility of untapped potential for cell targets in bone therapeutics.

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Citation Format(s)

A novel nonosteocytic regulatory mechanism of bone modeling. / Ofer, Lior; Dean, Mason N.; Zaslansky, Paul et al.
In: PLoS Biology, Vol. 17, No. 2, e3000140, 01.02.2019.

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

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