A Heuristic Approach to Break Cycles for the Class Integration Test Order Generation

Research output: Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary WorksRGC 32 - Refereed conference paper (with host publication)peer-review

5 Scopus Citations
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Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2019 IEEE 43rd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference, COMPSAC 2019
Subtitle of host publicationProceedings
EditorsVladimir Getov, Jean-Luc Gaudiot, Nariyoshi Yamai, Stelvio Cimato, Morris Chang, Yuuichi Teranishi, Ji-Jiang Yang, Hong Va Leong, Hossian Shahriar, Michiharu Takemoto, Dave Towey, Hiroki Takakura, Atilla Elci, Susumu Takeuchi, Satish Puri
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Number of pages6
ISBN (print)9781728126074
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2019

Publication series

NameProceedings - International Computer Software and Applications Conference
ISSN (Print)0730-3157


Title43rd IEEE Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference, COMPSAC 2019
PlaceUnited States
Period15 - 19 July 2019


It is a general objective to minimize overall stubbing cost when performing class integration test order generation. Existing approaches are unable to obtain a cost-optimal class test order, this is largely due to the lack of a comprehensive analysis on the factors that affect overall stubbing cost, i.e., the number of required test stubs and the corresponding stubbing complexity. To address this issue, we propose an approach called HBCITO (Heuristic approach to Break Cycles for the class Integration Test Order generation). Given a set of removed dependencies, a heuristic algorithm is employed to search for a near ideal set of class dependencies. Such dependencies break the same or greater number of cycles as the initialized dependencies but attract less stubbing cost. The experimental results show that HBCITO is capable of generating class test orders with significantly lower stubbing cost compared with other approaches.

Research Area(s)

  • Break cycles, Class integration test order generation, Integration testing, Stubbing complexity

Citation Format(s)

A Heuristic Approach to Break Cycles for the Class Integration Test Order Generation. / Zhang, Miao; Keung, Jacky; Xiao, Yan et al.
2019 IEEE 43rd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference, COMPSAC 2019: Proceedings. ed. / Vladimir Getov; Jean-Luc Gaudiot; Nariyoshi Yamai; Stelvio Cimato; Morris Chang; Yuuichi Teranishi; Ji-Jiang Yang; Hong Va Leong; Hossian Shahriar; Michiharu Takemoto; Dave Towey; Hiroki Takakura; Atilla Elci; Susumu Takeuchi; Satish Puri. Vol. 1 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 2019. p. 47-52 8754218 (Proceedings - International Computer Software and Applications Conference).

Research output: Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary WorksRGC 32 - Refereed conference paper (with host publication)peer-review