3 dimensional medical image reconstruction from serial cross sections

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 22 - Publication in policy or professional journal

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Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)525-529
Journal / PublicationIEE Conference Publication
Issue number443 pt 2
Publication statusPublished - 1997


TitleProceedings of the 1997 6th International Conference on Image Processing and its Applications. Part 2 (of 2)
CityDublin, Irel
Period14 - 17 July 1997


In the field of medicine, it is useful to generate a three-dimensional (3D) view of human tissue or organ from its serial cross sectional images. This investigation is to carry out the 3D reconstruction and visualization of human brain from its serial cross sectional magnetic resonance images (MRIs). The techniques involved are the pre-processing, texture analysis, image segmentation, interpolation, surface fitting and visualization. T 1 weighted MRIs of the brain of a human male are used to assess the performance. The tissues which are of interest are the bone, gyrus and lobe. Fractal dimension and entropy are employed as the textural parameters. A novel technique of Co-Matching Correspondence Finding (CMCF) method is developed for the interpolation. A modified Phong shading is used to provide a realistic 3D view of the human skull.

Citation Format(s)

3 dimensional medical image reconstruction from serial cross sections. / Chan, K. L.; Wong, S. H.
In: IEE Conference Publication, No. 443 pt 2, 1997, p. 525-529.

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 22 - Publication in policy or professional journal