微博红人广告行为的预期背离及其影响 - 基于预期违背理论框架的广告效果研究

Microblogging Sensation advertising behavior expected departure from and its influence

Research output: Journal Publications and ReviewsRGC 21 - Publication in refereed journalpeer-review

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Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)115-127
Journal / Publication新媒体与社会
Issue number21
Publication statusPublished - May 2018


本研究旨在探索微博用户对微博红人广告的态度和反应。基于人际传播的预期违背理论框架,本研究通过实验检测了 “粉丝” 对两类微博红人(名人和草根)发布广告的预期评估与后续行为意愿的关系。研究结果显示, “粉丝” 对草根微博红人信息的感兴趣程度对其发布广告行为的背离值评估有正向影响; “粉丝” 对名人微博博主的崇拜程度对博主发布广告行为的背离值评估有负向影响,对粉丝继续关注微博的意愿有正向影响。结果表明,微博用户对微博红人发布广告的评估及其影响因素因微博博主身份不同而有显著差异, “粉丝” 和名人微博博主之间的互动关系基本符合预期违背理论的预测,显示 “粉丝” 和名人的关系从在大众媒体中的单向传播关系逐渐转变为社交媒体中的准人际互动关系。
Sina Weibo, the largest microblog platform in China, has explored an innovative profit channel: to utilize the popular micro-bloggers (with more than one million fans) to post advertising information. This study adopts an interpersonal perspective to examine the social-networking advertising form on microblog. Basing on the expectancy violation theory, the study investigates how the fans of the popular micro-bloggers evaluate and react to advertising posted by micro-bloggers through an experiment. Results of the experiment indicate that the fans celebrity worship has significant influence on their acceptance of the advertising posted by the celebrity micro-bloggers; the attitudes and reactions of the fans are predicted well by the expectancy violation theory. These findings extend the application of the expectancy violation theory to the parasocial relationship between fans and celebrity on microblog. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.

Research Area(s)

  • 社交媒体广告, 名人微博, 准社会互动, 预期违背理论, Social media advertising, Micro-blog, Celebrity endorsement, Expectancy violation theory