Words to Images to Prototypes: Generative AI Tools for Team Project-based Iterative Prototyping

Project: Research

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Iterative prototyping is a core practice encouraged in engineering, design, and arts curriculums that encourages rapid constructing and testing of low-fidelity prototypes for expressing an original idea. Despite the advantages of obtaining pertinent evaluation from intended user groups that can quickly improve the design, students working in teams often fail to properly undertake the iterative prototyping cycle in classroom projects due to lack of clear envisioning of what the final product to create looks like, and lack of understanding of what specific components of the system need to be modified in each round of testing. This leads to students being overwhelmed by the possible design choices available, leading to stagnation in the ideation-testing process, frequently resulting in procrastination until the deadline arrives.


Project number6000901
Grant typeTDG(CityU)
Effective start/end date1/01/25 → …